Credit card information will be collected and put on file prior to your initial therapy session. This credit card will be used for payment of your telehealth sessions.


• Individual, Couple, Family 50-minute Sessions - $150
• Individual, Couple, Family 90-minute Sessions - $200
• Individual, Couple, Family 30-minute Sessions - $90
• Groups Rates - $150 for 2-hour group session
• Letters for employers, school admin or other professionals - $50
• Missed or Canceled sessions without 48-hour notice – $100
• Sessions rescheduled within same week with at least 24-hour notice – $0


I am currently not contracted with insurance companies, making me an 'out-of-network' provider. This means that although I do not accept insurance, your plan may cover a portion of our sessions by utilizing your out-of-network benefits. 

I recommend calling your insurance provider and ask what your "out of network benefits" are for mental health therapy services.  With out of network coverage, you will be responsible for paying up front and I will provide you with a statement/receipt, called a superbill, which you can submit to insurance for reimbursement.  I am not responsible for any insurance related issues, lack of reimbursement, etc. It will benefit you to know the details of your coverage prior to beginning therapy sessions with me to avoid any surprises.  

Making the Call

If you are uncomfortable reaching out to the insurance, I recommend asking the following questions once you get your insurance company on the phone: ​​

  • What are my Out-of-Network benefits for telehealth mental health therapy?
  • What is my deductible and has it been met?
  • How much will I be reimbursed for and how does the process work?
  • Do I need a pre-authorization or an approval from my primary care physician before starting therapy?
  • What types of mental services does my health insurance cover (e.g. individual, family, and/or group psychotherapy)?
  • Do I have a limited of number of sessions per calendar year?


All major credit cards, HSA cards
Payment will be collected on the day of your therapy session. Credit card information must be provided prior to your first therapy session with Esteem Therapy. Superbills will be provided to clients that do seek out-of-network reimbursement that include the necessary billing and diagnostic codes.

Cancelation Policy

Missed sessions and Cancellations will be subject to $100 fee if NOT RECEIVED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE. This is necessary because a time commitment is made to you and is held exclusively for you. If you are late for a session, you may lose some of that session time. If you reschedule your session within the same week with at least 24-hour notice no fee will apply.
Please contact me for any additional questions. I look forward to hearing from you!